Wakefield Arts Festival 2010

Organised by the Rotary Club of Wakefield. All proceeds are for charitable purposes.

W.A.F.MASTER LOGO (V) (COLOUR)Saturday 20th March

          Castleford Male Voice Choir and Silcoates School ensembles

Friday 26th March

          Tees Valley Jazzmen and Swing Foundation Big Band

Saturday 27th March

          Yew Tree Theatre presents Sparkleshark

Thursday 22nd April

          More Songs from the Delta with the New Orleans Wiggle

Friday 30th April to Monday 3rd May

          Amateur Art & Photographic Exhibition and Sale

Friday 14th May

          Folk concert starring Rosie Doonan

Friday 21st May

          Classical concert

Thursday 10th June

          Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen

Saturday 10th July

          A Night at the Proms