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Death of Rev. Canon Roger Cressey

Roger Cressey 2Roger Cressey 1Sad news came on 13th January 2025 when we learned that Roger had died that day at the age of 89. He had been a member for many years and became President in 1990. He was elected an Honorary Member in 2000 and retained that status until he stepped down in 2024. Roger's funeral took place at St James the Great Chapelthorpe on 10th February. The photographs were kindly supplied by Rotarian Roger Brown..

Goodbye John, it was great to know you. 

Following the death of John Hummerstone on 20th December 2024 we have lost one of our longest serving members with a proud record of service over many decades. An optometrist by profession he was also well known as a trumpet player with the Holmfirth based New Orleans Wiggle. The group entertained club members and their guests at a series of concerts known as Songs from the Delta over several years at New Brookhouse Club in Wakefield.

This photograph with other members of the band was taken in 2014. John is centre stage with his trumpet.

Jazz 2014 - band 3

Santa 2Santa came to the streets of Wakefield on 9th & 10 December 2024 when over £1,200 was raised for charities which we support. Thank you to all who contributed.

Rotary Club of Wakefield. Philip Plattes, Peter Clarke, Stuart Livesey and Ann Roberts. June 2024 sPeter Gallivan, Richard Greenwood and Ken PinderThe planting of the FLOWER BED in Holmfield Park took place on 3rd June 2024. Please follow the link for further information.

CLUB ASSEMBLY took place at the meeting on 23rd May 2024 when we were delighted to welcome District Governor-elect Richard Greenwood. This is the annual meeting when activities for the year starting 1st July are outlined. The photograph shows Richard with club president Peter Gallivan and President-elect Ken Pinder.

The Rotary Club of Wakefield has linked up with Unity Lottery. Please consider taking part if you are over 18. There are some large prizes to be won and half of all stakes are sent directly to our charitable trust fund. From £1 per week.


Please see FACEBOOK for details of our very varied guest speakers. To make enquiries about being able to hear them for yourself please follow this link.

Admiral Nurses increase their presence in the Wakefield area thanks to Rotarian Sheila


The club meets at 18:30 on Thursdays. The venue is now The White Horse Coaching Inn, West Lane, Sharlston, Wakefield WF4 1EP.. For variations please see the PROGRAMME page.. Occasionally we meet by Zoom to access speakers in other parts of the country or world. The cost of the meal is £15.
Rotarian visitors are always welcome but it would be helpful if they could advise us of their attendance by the Monday of the same week. Please write via "Contact Us". .
There is no formal dress code although many male members wear a jacket and some wear a tie. Smart casual is perfectly acceptable. Members are asked not to wear jeans.
 A map for most locations used can be seen by clicking on the venue name on the Programme page listing. 

The club is in Rotary International District 1040 (Yorkshire,UK)  Rotary International club number 1069
The Secretary or any other members can be contacted via the Contact Us facility

Founded in 1921, we have 24 members. Membership is open to both men and women. 
E-mail can be sent via the CONTACT page to the Web Manager who will forward it to any member who is named in the message.

The Rotary Club of Wakefield Trust Fund is registered with the Charity Commission. Its number is 501456. Profits from public charitable fund raising activities of the Rotary Club of Wakefield are all passed to the Trust Fund prior to distribution.

The Rotary name and emblem are the official property of Rotary International and are being used on this web site with permission as outlined in the RI Policy on Electronic Communications.

Some of the Rotary images in these pages come from Rtn Tord Elfwendahl's Website and they can be used in any Rotary context, but please acknowledge the source.

Ken PinderOur web site is maintained by Rotarian Ken  Pinder. If you have any questions regarding this site please write via Contact Us.